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Student Success

Here at Taylion one of our top priorities is the success of our students, and being successful starts at home.  Studies have linked poor academic performance to factors such as lack of sleep, poor nutrition, obesity, lack of parental support and more.  The good news is that those same studies also show higher test scores for students who live in homes where healthy habits, regular routines, and good communication exist.  Working smarter through the use of specific success strategies can have a profound influence on learning outcomes.


  • Come up with a study plan – and stick to it!  Finding out which strategies work for you may take some time so try out some different strategies.  Ask your teacher for feedback on your plan. 
  • Be prepared for class.  Look at your upcoming material ahead of time so you know what to expect.
  • Participate in class!  Engagement doesn’t necessarily mean raising your hand.  Taking good notes, thinking through the material being presented, staying alert, and making a note of any material that is confusing or that you might have questions about are all ways to stay engaged. 
  • Review your notes frequently.  Taking a few days to review notes can help you avoid hours of “relearning” forgotten material right before a test.
  • Meet with your teachers often.  Ask any clarifying questions about the material.  Give your teachers the opportunity to see what you know and what you don’t.  Ask for study tips!
  • Don’t procrastinate!  You’ll regret putting off your work and it will only make you fall behind.
  • Study in a new way!  Do something new with your material. Read your notes out loud or to your friends or family members.  Draw pictures or make charts. Do a problem or two. Take the opportunity to teach the concept to someone else.
  • Set small, hourly study goals.  Break up large assignments into smaller parts. Instead of reading a long chapter all at once read it 3 pages at a time, for example.
  • Take short and frequent study breaks!  Walk around or get a snack.  When you come back do a quick 3-minute review and then jump back into new material.
  • Prioritize your studying.  What is most important? What do you think is the most difficult?  What needs to be started today? What is due first?  
  • Ask for help. Your teachers, parents and family members want to help you. Don’t wait until it’s too late. The earlier the better.
  • Practice self-discipline and form habits.  If you have math homework, set a time to do it, and when that time comes, sit down and complete it.
  • Study in a distraction-free zone.  There is some evidence that changing locales might positively impact how you remember things. Just be sure you can focus and that your work has your full attention!
  • Keep a positive attitude.  Be confident in your abilities, and most importantly, relax!  Post encouraging and positive messages in your study space.  If you’re worried about something, make a note about it.  Then set it aside and take care of it later.
  • Stay motivated!  Have you set goals?  If not then the time is now!  Make studying fun – use color and draw pictures when reviewing your notes. 

Tips for Parents

  • Enforce Healthy Habits.  Make sure your child follows healthy habits at home to ensure they have the best chance of doing well in school. Choose an appropriate bedtime that gives your child plenty of sleep.  Provide a healthy breakfast in the morning.  Encourage exercise and limit screen time. 
  • Stick to a Routine.  Kids thrive on structure and respond well to routines to help them organize their days.  Set a schedule for your child so they get up, eat breakfast and get ready for school at the same time everyday.  When they get home from school they should have a snack and do their homework.  Make this a daily routine and try to stick with it.  
  • Create a “Launch Pad” or “Staging Area”.  Create a single place to put backpacks, jackets, shoes, lunchboxes and school projects each day.  This will help keep you and your child organized for school.
  • Designate a study space.  A designated homework space makes it easier and more fun for kids to complete assignments at home.  A desk is great, but a basket of supplies on the kitchen table or counter works just as well.
  • Read, and read some more. Children spend the first several years learning to read, and the rest of their lives reading to learn. Sit down with your child and read a little bit every day.  Give your child lots of opportunities to read to you as well.  Have fun with it. Use voices and characters to help draw your child into the activity of reading.  The more you read to your child, the better chance they have of becoming a proficient and eager reader. Remember: reading should be enjoyable, and never stressful.
  • Never stop learning!  Your child is always learning, even outside of the classroom.  Parents fill in the gap at home when your children leave school.  Look for ways to teach your child throughout the day.  Cooking is a great way to combine science and math.  Reading and following directions are important life skills to develop.  Use this opportunity to discuss fractions, make hypotheses, and examine results.
  • Take the Lead.  Children learn by example.  It’s our job to make sure our children grow into good citizens. Have them “catch” you reading. Take time to learn a new skill and discuss it with them.  Sit down to pay bills or do other “homework” while your kids are doing their schoolwork.  Displaying a strong work ethic and seeking out learning opportunities for yourself will show your kids to model the same behavior.
  • Talk to your kids.  How does your child feel about their classmates, teacher and classroom?  Talk with them about their likes and dislikes.  Give your child a chance to express their anxieties, excitement, or disappointments about each day.  Continue to support and encourage your child by praising their achievements and efforts, no matter how small or large. 
  • Show Interest.  Meet your child’s teacher and stay in regular contact by phone or email.  Stay on top of any concerns or questions you may have so that when those concerns take place the teacher will feel more comfortable calling you.
  • Expect Success. The most important thing you can do for your child is to believe and know that they can succeed.  Not by demanding they be the best student or athlete at school, but rather letting your child know that you expect them to do their best, so they’ll be proud of what they accomplish.  When you provide a great home environment that promotes learning, your child will have a greater chance of becoming the best student they can be.