Taylion High Desert Academy Offers Online Charter, Elementary & High School School In Palmdale, CA

Beyond Brick and Mortar

Is your child struggling in school? Does it feel like your family is just not a great fit for traditional public schools? For years, people with the money to pay for expensive private school tuition have had options for their children’s educations, but most people have been stuck with limited public-school options. Today’s students have the option of in-person or online charter schools. Charter schools are public schools that have to meet state standards but are privately run. More flexible than traditional public schools, charter schools provide options for students and their families. Taylion High Desert Academy is an online virtual academy serving Palmdale, CA, and the surrounding area.

Why Do Families Choose Online Schools?

Families choose online schools for many reasons. Right now, we have a lot of parents telling us, “I am concerned about the COVID-19 protocols in elementary schools near me.” They also tell us, “I am worried that the high schools near me will shut down and have to pivot to an online environment. So, it is fair to say that the COVID-19 pandemic is driving parents to explore online public charter schools. We have even seen an increase in interest in our kindergarten homeschool programs.

However, online schools are a great option for many students who just have not been getting what they need from traditional public schools. The online option is flexible, free, and provides people with choices, even if they do not have local in-person charter schools.

What Kind of Student Is Right for Online School?

Not every student excels in an online environment. It requires a student who is capable of some self-direction, as well as parents or other adults who are committed to acting as learning coaches to keep their children on track. However, many students find online school is perfect for them. We are a good fit for

  • Students with physical or mental health challenges.
  • Kids who have experienced bullying.
  • Children who are struggling or behind in their coursework.
  • Kids who are advanced and are bored in their regular schools.
  • Students who are athletes with a training regime.
  • Students who want an independent study program.

Sound Like Your Student?

If you have a child that has been struggling in a traditional school environment, you owe it to your family to find out more about online public charter schools. Contact us for more information and we can give you the information you need to determine if this is the right solution for your family.